Weight loss programs don’t work! Read why…

Hi guys,

Ok it’s not big news that weight loss programs don’t work long term but now we have definite proof after a in depth study published in the Annals of internal medicine

The study featured popular programs like Jenny Craig, weight watchers, Nutrasystem, Medifast and Optifast.

At the end of the 12 month study, the best program was Jenny Craig as participants had lost 4.9% more weight than participants in a non control group.

None of the other programs had more than moderately effective results.

Here is why these programs don’t work:

  • One size does not fit all and what works for one individual may not work for another.
  • Dietary and exercise plans have to be based on personal preferences as if you do not like what you are doing, you will not continue! Choose a plan that works for you and that includes as much of things you like as possible, just healthier versions.
  • Contrary to popular belief that you must first reduce calories and lose weight to achieve a balanced metabolism, it is imperative to set goals of achieving balanced metabolism first in order to control hunger and cravings. Once balanced metabolism is achieved, you can start reducing calories and start losing weight.
  • Research shows that you can only focus on one to three changes at a time. Determine habits that when changed will make other habits easier to change. More sleep, less hunger, fewer craving, more energy and motivation for exercise.

Ciao for now!

Yes you CAN eat healthier!

Hi guys,

Here is a quick tip to help you eat healthier.

Laying out your workout clothes at night for the next morning is a great visual reminder that you have a commitment to your exercise every day!

Do the same thing with your healthy foods, create visual reminders.

For example, leave a beautiful, colorful bowl of fruit on your counter instead of the fridge will help you achieve eating more fruits.

Research identified that healthy eating habits can be boosted simply by using the acronym CAN:

Convenient: Make your healthy foods easy to see, simple to reach and ready to eat

Attractive: Make your healthy foods look enticing by mixing colors, flavors and types

Normal: Make them the obvious choice in your kitchen

Start today and start eating healthier immediately!

Ciao for now!

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Day 8 October challenge!

Hi guys,

Today is day 8 of our October challenge…how are you doing?

What do you do to make yourself accountable for working out and getting healthy?

After my challenge, I did my 2 abs routines, if you need a description of the exercises, comment and I will send them to you!

Here are some pics

See you tomorrow!

Ciao for now!