Yes you CAN eat healthier!

Hi guys,

Here is a quick tip to help you eat healthier.

Laying out your workout clothes at night for the next morning is a great visual reminder that you have a commitment to your exercise every day!

Do the same thing with your healthy foods, create visual reminders.

For example, leave a beautiful, colorful bowl of fruit on your counter instead of the fridge will help you achieve eating more fruits.

Research identified that healthy eating habits can be boosted simply by using the acronym CAN:

Convenient: Make your healthy foods easy to see, simple to reach and ready to eat

Attractive: Make your healthy foods look enticing by mixing colors, flavors and types

Normal: Make them the obvious choice in your kitchen

Start today and start eating healthier immediately!

Ciao for now!

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What you REALLY need to know about labels!

Hi guys,

“all natural”, “whole grains”, “fat free” and more are labels that we see every day at the grocery stores but what does it really mean?

Be aware of what the manufacturers put on their box and read the labels before you buy, you will be surprised! They want to get your attention and get you to buy their products under very poorly regulated guidelines, here is what you really need to know!


The word “natural” is not regulated by the FDA and is very misleading. “natural” brings to mind thoughts of fresh, minimally processed and healthy foods, but it means nothing about a food’s nutritional content, ingredients, or health effects. Almost all packaged foods are processed in some way.

Natural potato chips will use real potatoes (instead of flakes) but like regular potato chips, they are still a high-fat food choice with little nutritional content.

Natural candy may be sweetened using cane juice (instead of white sugar), but it can still contribute  to weight gain when eaten in excess.

“Made with Real Fruit” and “Contains Real Fruit Juice”

You see “made with real fruits” on fruit snacks, cereals, and fruit drinks. There is no law that requires how much real fruit has to be in a food that uses this claim, the sugary treat could contain just one blueberry or one drop of fruit juice to be accurate.

When high fructose corn syrup and/or sugar are listed as the first ingredients, you know that the “real fruit” content of the product isn’t significant. This is sugary junk food that is trying to masquerade as healthy fruit drinks.

“Whole Grains”

This is one of the most popular marketing claims and definitely the most confusing. Today we see “whole grain” logos on almost all  products, including most sugary cereals.

In reality, refined and highly bleached white flour with a touch of whole wheat added in can be listed as “whole grain.”

Food manufacturers can by law use the term “whole grain” no matter how much whole wheat the product contains.

  • “Made with Whole Grains”: All it needs is one tiny bit of whole grains to use this claim, which means nothing for your health benefits.
  • “Wheat flour” or “100 percent wheat”: Again, this is a ploy that tries to fool consumers. You want to look for “whole wheat flour” not just the word “wheat.”
  • “Multigrain”: This doesn’t explain if the grains are refined or whole, just that there is more than one type of grain. Multigrain has no proven health benefits, especially if all those grains are refined, and they probably are.
  • “Whole grain”: This term is also misleading, because whole grains can contain various blends of grains that are refined. You want to avoid words like enriched and bleached on the ingredients label, only trust the term “100 percent whole grain” to be the healthier choice.

When it comes to grain-based foods, you can’t trust the words on the front of the package.

Look at the ingredients list every time, looking for keywords like “whole wheat flour” to be FIRST on the list.

Additives like sugar and CORN SYRUP shouldn’t appear in the top of the ingredients list of a so called healthy food.

Be aware that manufacturers won’t necessarily call their processed flours “refined” on the label. Anything that is listed as corn, rice, wheat, or oat flour IS processed and refined unless it specifically tells you that it is “whole”.

“Fat Free”

“Fat free” food labels may also make you  believe these are healthy selections. Sometimes this can be helpful  especially when choosing skim milk over higher fat varieties. But read the labels, when a meat label announces 90% fat free, it sounds like a healthy choice since only 5 percent of it is fat. But fat contains a lot of calories, so check out the nutrition facts label for the actual number of calories and fat grams per serving, especially if you are trying to lose weight!

“Zero Trans Fats”

Thanks to recent media attention, you surely know that trans fat are really bad for you!

Experts recommend that we avoid trans fats, which are created when oils are hydrogenated (combined with hydrogen) during food processing. But you can’t trust a product’s claim of zero trans fats, nor can you trust the nutrition facts label on this one.

If the words “partially hydrogenated” appear in it at all, then the food DOES contain trans fats. But thanks to labeling guidelines, any food that contains 0.5 grams or less of a nutrient can be listed as zero grams on the nutrition facts label…Just stay away!

I hope this helps you navigate your supermarket aisles better and gives you an idea of what the manufacturers are trying to accomplish by flashing these purely false labels in front of you!

Have a great day!

Ciao for now

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How to live better starting today!

Hi guys,

We get it, your excuses for being unhealthy and overweight are real..You have kids, a job and too much time to spend on social media so you definitely cannot squeeze in an hour of exercise or cook healthy meals for your family…

You are not like theses other people, your excuses are real, you have to keep up with what your imaginary friends bathroom schedule!

On a more serious note, you don’t have to become a total health freak ninja to start living a better life and maybe not die of a heart attack when you turn 50.

Start here:

  • NO FAST FOOD EVER…Go to AA meeting if you have too, check yourself into rehab but NEVER EVER eat there again! It is not food! Repeat after me it is not food…you are eating all the dead animals left over that they don’t even want to use in dog/cat food. Read this

  • Get up and move more! Set your timer for every hour and go for a short 5-10 minute walk while you are at work. At the end of the day, you would have walked 80 minutes without even thinking about the fact that you are walking!

  • Eat more vegetables and fruits. You don’t like them or you don’t know how to cook them? Well you have options, buy the frozen bags, read how to and do it or hire a personal chef! You can also spend that precious social media time looking at recipes on the internet.

  • Switch from soda to water and if you still can’t figure out why, read this!

  • Start using healthy oils and real butter instead of margarine and vegetable oils.


  • Eat more white meat and fish and less hamburgers!

  • Stop drinking your calories and your energy! I get it, you are busy and you don’t have to squeeze oranges for a fresh juice but at least, stop using 5 packs of sugar and 10 creamers in every cup…It only takes 2 weeks for new habits to form, so hang tight and start drinking black coffee or switch to black/green tea. Oh and if you think an energy drink is not that bad, read this
  • Spend quality time with your loved ones away from tv and computers.

  • Play outside with your dog and kids

  • Disconnect from your computer, phone, tablet etc…The world will not stop because you did not comment on the fact that your mother had a tooth pulled!

  • Go to sleep early and get up early! We are way more productive in the morning.
  • Take time for yourself!

Hope this helps you start living a better life today!

Make better choices everyday will lead to a longer, fuller, happier life and maybe one day you will get that gym membership, get that 6 pack, run that marathon…whatever it is that you would love to do but think you can’t.

“the man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones” Confucius

Ciao for now!

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Alleviating foot pain!

Hi guys,

Are you suffering from foot pain? Have you been diagnosed with plantar fasciitis?

Are you wearing all bunch of foot apparel but still can’t get your feet on the ground without screaming in pain??

There is a way to feel better.

In our society we spend a lot of time sitting around…at work for 8-12 hours, at home for 2-4 hours watching TV and on the computer 2-3 hours.

Our bodies are weakening and changing in order to adapt.

When you sit around a lot, your muscles become weak and do not work properly. They have to adapt, change and our bodies are collapsing over our lower extremities just by the pull of gravity.

Your head moves forward just because it is heavy to hold straight for so many hours therefore your shoulders compensate and round themselves therefore arching your back out therefore your weight is not distributed evenly all the way down to your knees that will move inward and your feet moving in as well (very simplified explanation but you get the point).

That being said, a lot of us end up with feet problems because of the way our whole body distribute its weight unevenly.

As fitness professionals, we see the whole body and do not concentrate on solely “treating” the foot pain as a regular doctor would do (with shots or inserts most likely ouch and $$$) but we work to restore your body weight distribution through different options, see below:





There are a lot of exercises and stretches out there that you can do to help yourself.

Always remember to massage, stretch and strengthen.

Try to walk around at least every hour for 5 minutes while at working, reduce your stress level, focus on walking from the outside in ( I know it sounds weird but try..), do not wear high heels but choose flats and wide for better weight distribution on the entire foot and focus on straight posture while you stand and walk.

I hope these tips help you alleviate the pain and please take time to reeducate your body, it will not get better overnight but overtime for sure!

Ciao for now

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Get in shape for the holidays!

Hi guys,

The holidays are right around the corner so let’s get in shape so you can look your best!

Do this workout three times a week!


High Intensity you will need a yoga mat and a timer set at 4 rounds of 20 seconds on and 10 sec off no rest.


Repeat each exercises twice and move on to the next one.


  • 3 low squats, drop to plank
  • Jump sideways over mat with both feet
  • Plie squats (feet out to 45 degrees to open up the thighs)
  • 2 jumping jacks/ 2 bent over jumping jacks


  • Burpees
  • Mountain climbers
  • high knees
  • run forward touch ground, turn around and run back touch ground


  • Inchworm with a push up
  • Push-ups (knees down are ok)
  • In and out jump squats touch ground with both hands
  • Alternating side lunges


  • High plank to lunge alternating legs
  • Reverse to forward lunges, second set other leg
  • 1/2 turn jump squats
  • Plank jacks


Burpees, plank jacks, cross body mountain climbers

Start at 2 of each than add two every round until you reach 10 of each than work your way backwards…



  • 10 plank up and down (elbows to hands, hands to elbows)
  • 40 Mountain climbers
  • 40 knees tucks
  • 40 tricep dips (2 times 20)
  • 18 split jump lunges
  • 10 Flutter kick with crunches
  • 10 V sits
  • 40 pulsating abs (lay flat then raise you shoulders engaging your abs and raise you feet…pulsate for 40 counts)
  • 10 single leg lifts with other leg off floor (keep you back straight on the mat)
  • 10 each side Side plank in and out crunches
  • 15 hip raises from side plank

photo 3 photo 4 photo 3 photo 2 photo 1

Have fun!

Ciao for now

Life without carbs week 1

Hi guys,

Like I said on a previous post, I have been experiencing a lot of digestive issues in the past years and I last week I decided to try something else.

As a group fitness instructor, I work out a lot for work of course but also for my personal well being and level of fitness.

Also as a good fitness professional (and not a nutritionist or dietitian let’s be clear on that) I have been a believer of eating a lot of carbs to fuel my days.

When I say carbs, I do not mean bread, cookies and stuff like that, I mean healthy and natural stuff like organic gluten free oatmeal, granola, lots of fresh fruits, larabars etc…

My theory was always carbs morning, lunch and snacks and protein for dinner (to repair my body) and it has been for years!

But the healthier I was eating, the sicker I got….so I went gluten free…best thing ever for 2 days then back to not well.

So I went to the doctor, all good…WHAT??? well I guess that is good lol but now on to the gastro doctor!

Bunch of super fun tests later, all is still good! gallbladder he thinks! more tests….

That is where I was out last week and then after one of my famous afternoon snacks consisting of an apple, a larabar and 1/2 cup of granola, my brain lite up, what if my body was not processing carbs the right way anymore??? What is this was my issue???

Well after reading up on it, it could very well be the problem so NO CARBS HERE I COME!

Here is a summary of 7 days of no carbs, are you ready??

DAY 1 Wednesday 10/09…Wow I can eat eggs, cheese, peanut butter, bacon…This is gonna be awesome! 2 1/2 hours of classes, 2 hour personal workout, feel great!

DAY 2 Thursday 10/10…Wait I normally don’t eat that stuff, my brain just won’t go there..eggs and veggies that is all! 3 hours of classes, 2 hour personal workout, wow I’m tired and a bit dizzy! But on a good note, my insides feel so much better!

DAY 3 Friday 10/11…So I ate is eggs, veggies, grilled chicken and salads and got into a jar of coconut/peanut spread, that was awesome but I do miss my fruits! 2 1/2 hours of classes, 1 hour personal workout, WOW I FEEL LIKE SHIT! where did all my energy go???? Why am i so f**** sore???

DAY 4 Saturday 10/12…Still eating the SAME FREAKING THING…OMG SOMEBODY SHOOT ME…1 1/2 hour of classes, no personal workout…Are you kidding me?? I can’t move, think, walk, talk or anything else…And now start the headaches and nausea, AWESOME.

DAY 5 Sunday 10/13…Sunday fun day, not! Dizzy, headaches, light headed, tired beyond tired! Same food, different day! I would kill for an apple right now ( I love apples by the way) or I would just kill somebody because I feel like it!!!!

DAY 6 Monday 10/14…I really need to go grocery shopping! and I need to eat FATS LIKE NOW! I did have 30 grams of carbs that day for breakfast just because I was gonna die (not literally but my mind sure felt like it lol) 2 hours of classes, 2 hours of personal workout. Still tired, headaches and this nausea is killing me, probably the worst day EVER!

DAY 6 Tuesday 10/15…Am I really still doing this?????????????? WHY????? Well I could be stubborn sometimes and my 2 weeks is not up yet so yes! Same foods, same symptoms…when it this gonna get better??? At least my symptoms have been completely eliminated so that is a big plus! 2 hours of classes, 2 hour personal workout! That high intensity class just about killed me when I almost passed out 3 times!

DAY 7 Wednesday 10/16 …Another worst day ever lol! But the added fats really helped especially after I had that divine  hummus! 2 1/2 hours of classes,  2 hour personal workout (yeah that was too much)…Feel like shit and I can’t wait for this to be over!

I am writing this on Thursday and so far so good, I feel a little better today and my body seems to be adjusting itself (It’s about time…) to being in ketosis read about it here.

On the positive side:

  • My digestion issues have stopped so I am on to something there
  • I have lost inches in my waist and belly (yeah)
  • My body looks leaner
  • I only have one more week!

Summary of all this:

  • I would not recommend this to anybody especially if you want to lose weight because you will lose but gain it all back after the carbs return to your diet
  • I am only doing this to make myself feel better!
  • There are benefits of using fats for fuel instead of carbs when you are looking to improve your fitness level and your body image read here 

I will write about it again when this it over and we will see where we stand!

Please, please consult a physician before putting yourself in restrictive diets and exercise.

Have a great day!

Ciao for now!

Not losing weight???

Hi guys,

Most of the time when you’re having trouble losing weight, it’s not because you aren’t making good food choices but because you are not eating enough calories.

When most people start living a healthy lifestyle to lose weight , they slash their calories and add a large amount of exercise to their routine.

That’s fine, but they usually cut their calories too low….Add in the extra exercise, and  you have an extreme calorie deficit that is working against you!

Not eating enough calories causes many drastic metabolic changes.

Your body is a smart machine and senses the  decrease in dietary energy. Your large calorie deficit might work for a few  weeks, but eventually your body will wake up and sound alarms that it needs to CONSERVE the available energy.

It doesn’t want to just waste away because it needs that energy (fat) to survive.

So, what does your body do when it senses prolonged energy restriction by not eating enough calories??

  • Slows down thyroid productionYour thyroid is responsible for fat, carbohydrate, and protein metabolism. Your body has the ability to slow down thyroid output in an effort to maintain energy balance.
  • Decreases muscle mass – Muscle is highly calorie intensive to maintain. In a prolonged calorie deficit, it is one of the first things that your body looks to get rid of. Your body needs the fat and wants the fat, and  muscle can and will be spared. It breaks down the muscle tissue and uses it for energy instead of using the fat! (exactly what you don’t want)
  • Lowers testosterone levels – An very important hormone for both men and women, testosterone is  one of many hormones that are affected with severe calorie restriction. Without it, it becomes very hard to maintain muscle tissue and  put on muscle mass.
  • Decreases leptin levels – Leptin is one of the energy regulating hormones. It is  a “hunger” hormone that tells you whether to eat or not. High leptin levels signal that it’s OK to stop eating, while low leptin levels signal to eat more energy. Because of this, leptin levels decrease in calorie restricted environments.
  • Decreases energy levels – There are many physical actions your body takes when you’re not eating enough calories, but there are also some mental ones. Neurotransmitter production becomes limited and it can lead to a lack of motivation. It’s your body’s way of telling you to “slow down” – conserve your energy.

Bottom line, you need to be mindful of your eating habits and get into the mind set of fueling your body for energy.

Not eating enough and exercising like an insane person is not the answer to a healthier you!

Eat with the purpose of fueling yourself in order to get a great workout in and lose all the weight that you want!

Find out here how many calories you need to eat per day!

Ciao for now!

Push up fun!

Hi guys,

I believed I could and I am doing it!

It takes time, dedication, practice, frustration and any emotions out there but you can do it.

you can transform yourself from an overweight couch potato to an almost push-up master lol

If I can do it, so can you!

Enjoy my little video click here

Plyo 20 minute workout!

Hi guys,

Today you will be doing an amazing calorie torching plyometric workout using only one set of light weight dumbbells.

Perform a short 3 minute warm up before starting.

Perform these 9 exercises 3 times in a row with no rest between exercises and no rest between sets, it should take you about 20 minutes.

photo 1

Exercise 1 : 10 reps

Pic 1 and 2 : start in a high plank position and one arm at the time, lower yourself to your elbows keeping your abs fully engaged and your back perfectly straight..Bring yourself back up for 1 rep.

Exercise 2: 40 reps

Pics 3 and 4: Mountain climbers, start in a high plank position abs fully engaged, back straight. Bring right knee to right elbow and back then left knee to left elbow for 1 rep.

Exercise 3: 40 reps (ouch)

Pic 5: Start by engaging your abs and lifting your shoulders off the mat. Bring your knees towards your chest with your arms to the side of the body and your back fully straight. Extend the legs straight back out without touching the floor and putting your arms down. That’s one rep…I know 🙂

Exercise 4: 12 reps

Pic 6 and 7 : Start standing up with your legs apart. Crawl down on your arms until reach a full high plank position. Perform a push-up and crawl back up, that’s one rep.

Exercise 5: 12 reps you will need your dumbbells

Pic 8 and 9: Burpees with low squat and bicep curl. Start standing up with your legs close together, squat down and push your legs out in back of you performing a burpee. Bring your legs back in and raise yourself to a low squat. Grab the set of dumbbell and perform 2 biceps curls, that’s one rep.

photo 2

Exercise 6: 20 reps

Pic 1: Tricep dips, find an elevated point in your house and put your hand on it with your legs out slightly bending the knees. Bring yourself down and back up using your triceps muscles (back of your arms), that is 1 rep.

Exercise 7: 16 reps

Pic 2 and 3: Split lunges: Perform low lunges and explosively switch legs while jumping. One leg than the other makes 1 rep.

Exercise 8: 15 reps on one leg and 15 on other leg

Pic 4 and 5: Lay flat on your back. Engage your abs by pressing your spine on the mat and raise one leg straight up in the air while the other is bent at the knee. Bring your hip up and down keeping that leg straight up.

Exercise 9: 10 reps

Pic 6 and 7: squat down to a plie squat (feet out 45 degrees) and perform 3 low jumps. From there, jump out into a burpee than back up to the squat position, that is 1 rep.

Have fun and sweat like crazy!

Ciao for now!