H.I.I.T 30 minutes max calories burn

hi guys,
Here is a great high intensity interval training workout to burn a max amount of calories 

10 exercises repeated 3 times no rest in between 

Round 1: 40 seconds work 20 seconds rest

Round 2: 30 seconds work 15 seconds rest

Round 3: 20 seconds work 10 seconds rest 
Exercise 1: burpee to 4 mountain climbers 

Exercise 2: push-up to side plank

Exercise 3: skater hops 

Exercise 4: plank drag feet

Exercise 5: 4 high knees to 1 tuck jump

Exercise 6: 4 cross body mountain climbers 2 plank jacks 

Exercise 7: burpee

Exercise 8: jump overs 2 jump lunges

Exercise 9: plank reach

Exercise 10: alternating toe touches

Have fun!

Ciao for now

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Get up and move!


20 minutes fat burning, calorie torching interval workout!

Hi guys,

All you need for this workout is a mat and a tabata timer set at 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest.

All exercise will be done two 20 seconds rounds, the second being a little harder/faster or slower.

This workout is 5 rounds without breaks.

Are you ready??


  • Shuffle side and drop 2 sets: Start on one side of the mat, shuffle low to the other side then drop into high plank. Second set is the set with adding high knees as you get yourself back up!
  • Lateral jump over mat 2 sets: Start on one corner of the mat and jump over it with both feet from left to right. Second set get your knees higher on the jump.
  • Split jump lunges 2 sets: Start on a lunge position and switch your feet with jumping in the middle. Second set, slow it down but get lower with every lunge
  • Inchworm 2 sets: Start standing up, stretch down on the mat walking your hands forward until you get to perfect high plank position. Slowly get yourself back up and repeat. Second set add a push-up at the bottom of the exercise.


  • Squat jumps 2 sets: Squat down and jump up keeping your abs tight, shoulders back and weight on your heels. Second set squat lower and jump higher
  • Reverse lunge to forward lunge set leg 2 sets: Start with a reverse lunge than move that same leg into a forward lunge than back to reverse and so on. Keep your back ans shoulders straight and core tight. Second set, switch legs.
  • Burpees 2 sets: Begin in a standing position, lower yourself to a squat and place hands on the floor in front of you. Kick your feet back into a push-up position, lower your body to a push-up then kick your feet back and stand up. Second set, perform a side plank after the push-up alternating sides with each burpee.
  • Push-ups 2 sets: Make sure to keep your core tight and back straight! Do as many as you can do. Second set is the same


  • Skater hops 2 sets: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, bend your knees to lower your body 8-10 inches and lean forward until your shoulders are positioned above your knees then start hopping sideways about 2 feet and landing on your right foot, then hop sideways back onto your left foot and repeat for 20 seconds. Second set, get lower and reach down with your hand to touch ground
  • Plank jacks 2 sets: Begin in plank position, with your shoulders over your wrists, your body in one straight line, and your feet together.Jump your legs wide and then back together. Second set, pick up the pace!
  • Mountain climbers 2 sets: Start in high plank position, bring your right knee toward your right elbow and back. Now do the same on the left side. Keep going as fast as you can. Second set, bring the right knee towards the left elbow engaging your core more even more! Now left knee to right elbow.
  • 2 Jumping jacks/ 2 bent over jumping jacks 2 sets : Perform 2 regular jumping jacks then bend over for the next 2 jumping jacks bringing your hands right in front of you instead of overhead. Repeat for second set.


  • 3 low squats then drop into high plank 2 sets: Make sure to get low on your 3 squats. Second set add small jumps to the squats.
  • Plank around your mat 2 sets: Get into high plank and using your whole body, travel right to left. Keep you core engaged and a straight back. Repeat for second set
  • Jump over mat on one leg and low shuffle: Jump forward on one leg from side to side. Once a the top of the mat, jump backwards. Second set get your knees higher.
  • Squats in and out 2 sets:  Jump into low squat position then jump back getting your feet together. Second set, get lower and touch ground with your hands


  • High plank to side plank and hip dips 2 sets: Get yourself from a plank to one side. Once perfectly balanced on the side plank, lower your hips then back up. Second set change sides.
  • Scissor kicks 2 sets: Lying on your back with your shoulders off the mats, raise your legs and perform scissor like leg movements from side to side. Keep your core fully engaged. Second set add a crunch at the top of the movement.
  • High plank to elbow plank: Start in high plank position and bring yourself to your elbows then back to your hands. Keep hip rotation to a minimum. Keep  a straight back, core engaged. Second set the same.
  • Hols V- sit position: Get yourself into a V shape position with your hands to your side, feet of the ground, core engaged, shoulders back and back perfectly straight. Hold for the 20 seconds. Second set, move your arms up and down.


You are done, amazing job!

Ciao for now

Day 8 October challenge!

Hi guys,

Today is day 8 of our October challenge…how are you doing?

What do you do to make yourself accountable for working out and getting healthy?

After my challenge, I did my 2 abs routines, if you need a description of the exercises, comment and I will send them to you!

Here are some pics

See you tomorrow!

Ciao for now!

Your core is more than just a 6 pack!

Hi guys,

To build a strong core, you need more than just do ab crunches and sit ups.

You need to exercise a variety of muscles from your hips all the way to your shoulders. A lot of people tend to think of the core as six-pack or nice toned abs.

Actually the abdominal muscles are a very small part of the core and they have a limited and specific action

The “core” actually consists of many different muscles that stabilize the spine and the pelvis, and that run the entire length of the torso.

When these muscles contract, they stabilize the spine, pelvis and shoulder girdle and provide a strong base of support. .

The core muscles also help us stand upright and move on two feet.

These muscles help control movements and transfer energy, shift our body weight and move in any direction.

A strong core distributes the stresses of weight-bearing and protects the back.

What are the core muscles?

In general the muscles of the core run the length of the trunk and torso.

The following list includes some of the most commonly identified core muscles and the lesser known groups.

  • Rectus Abdominus:  Located along the front of the abdomen, this is the most well-known ab muscle and is often referred to as the “six-pack” due to it’s appearance in fit and thin individuals.
  • Erector spinae: Three muscles that run along your neck to your lower back.
  • Multifidus : Located under the erector spinae along the vertebral column, extends and rotates the spine.
  • External obliques:  Located on the side and front of the abdomen.
  • Internal obliques: Located under the external obliques, running the opposite direction.
  • Transverse abdominis : Located under the obliques, it is the deepest of the abdominal muscles and wraps around your spine for protection and stability.
  • Hip flexors: Located in front of the pelvis and upper thigh. These muscles are :psoas major, illiacus, rectus femoris, pectineus and sartorius (you’re welcome you needed to know that)
  • Gluteus medius and minimus – located at the side of the hip
  • Gluteus maximus. hamstring group and piriformis:  Located in the back of the hip and upper thigh leg.
  • Hip adductors: located at medial thigh.

The benefits of good core strength

  •  Reduces Back Pain
    The abdominals get all the credit for protecting the back but they are only a small part of  the core. In fact, it’s weak core muscles that are linked to the most common low back pain. Weak core muscles result in loss of appropriate lumbar curve and bad posture. Stronger, balanced core muscles help maintain appropriate posture and reduce strain on the spine.
  • Improves Athletic Performance
    Because the muscles of the trunk and the torso stabilize the spine from the pelvis to the neck and shoulder, they allow the transfer of power and energy to the arms and legs. All the powerful movements originate from the center of the body out, and never from the limbs alone. Before any powerful, rapid muscle contractions can occur in the extremities, the spine must be solid and stable and the more stable the core, the most powerful the extremities can contract.
  •  Improves Postural Imbalances
    Training the muscles of the core helps correct postural imbalances that can lead to injuries. The biggest benefit of core training is to develop functional fitness; the type of fitness that is essential to daily living and regular activities.

Exercises that will build Core Strength

Core strengthening exercises are the most effective when the torso works as a solid unit and both front and back muscles contract at the same time.

Abdominal bracing is a basic technique used during core exercise training. To correctly brace, you should attempt to pull your navel back in toward your spine. This action primarily recruits the transverse abdominus. You should be able to breathe evenly while bracing and not hold your breath.

What Are the Best Core Exercises?

Core exercises are most effective when they engage many muscles throughout the torso that cross several joints and work together to coordinate stability. Core muscles need to work as a unit, contract at the same time, across joints in order to stabilize the spine. Some of the best core exercises are simple bodyweight exercises, including the following:

  • Plank

  • Side plank

  • The basic push-up

  • V-sits

  • Squats

  • Hip lift

  • Oblique twist

  • Plank on a balance ball

  • Lunge with twist

  • Supermans

Ciao for now!

Plyo 20 minute workout!

Hi guys,

Today you will be doing an amazing calorie torching plyometric workout using only one set of light weight dumbbells.

Perform a short 3 minute warm up before starting.

Perform these 9 exercises 3 times in a row with no rest between exercises and no rest between sets, it should take you about 20 minutes.

photo 1

Exercise 1 : 10 reps

Pic 1 and 2 : start in a high plank position and one arm at the time, lower yourself to your elbows keeping your abs fully engaged and your back perfectly straight..Bring yourself back up for 1 rep.

Exercise 2: 40 reps

Pics 3 and 4: Mountain climbers, start in a high plank position abs fully engaged, back straight. Bring right knee to right elbow and back then left knee to left elbow for 1 rep.

Exercise 3: 40 reps (ouch)

Pic 5: Start by engaging your abs and lifting your shoulders off the mat. Bring your knees towards your chest with your arms to the side of the body and your back fully straight. Extend the legs straight back out without touching the floor and putting your arms down. That’s one rep…I know 🙂

Exercise 4: 12 reps

Pic 6 and 7 : Start standing up with your legs apart. Crawl down on your arms until reach a full high plank position. Perform a push-up and crawl back up, that’s one rep.

Exercise 5: 12 reps you will need your dumbbells

Pic 8 and 9: Burpees with low squat and bicep curl. Start standing up with your legs close together, squat down and push your legs out in back of you performing a burpee. Bring your legs back in and raise yourself to a low squat. Grab the set of dumbbell and perform 2 biceps curls, that’s one rep.

photo 2

Exercise 6: 20 reps

Pic 1: Tricep dips, find an elevated point in your house and put your hand on it with your legs out slightly bending the knees. Bring yourself down and back up using your triceps muscles (back of your arms), that is 1 rep.

Exercise 7: 16 reps

Pic 2 and 3: Split lunges: Perform low lunges and explosively switch legs while jumping. One leg than the other makes 1 rep.

Exercise 8: 15 reps on one leg and 15 on other leg

Pic 4 and 5: Lay flat on your back. Engage your abs by pressing your spine on the mat and raise one leg straight up in the air while the other is bent at the knee. Bring your hip up and down keeping that leg straight up.

Exercise 9: 10 reps

Pic 6 and 7: squat down to a plie squat (feet out 45 degrees) and perform 3 low jumps. From there, jump out into a burpee than back up to the squat position, that is 1 rep.

Have fun and sweat like crazy!

Ciao for now!

Interval training full body workout

Hi guys,

For this workout, all you need is:

  • your timer set tabata style 20 seconds work 10 seconds rest for a total of 5 sets
  • your mat
  • water

Perform a short 2 minutes warm-up consisting of squats, jumping jacks, lunges, run in place.

Repeat each exercise 2 times in a row performing as many reps as possible while working as hard as you possible can, IT IS ONLY 20 SECONDS.

SET 1:

  1. 2 jumping jacks 4 high knees
  2. shuffle around your mat and jump over, shuffle to other side turn and jump over
  3. 1 star burpee (a burpee with your legs far apart) 1 push-up
  4. squat 1/4 turn to squat 1/2 turn on the second round

SET 2:

  1. 4 shuffle to the side 1 squat repeat to other side
  2. high plank all the way around your mat
  3. 2 mountain climbers 2 plank jacks (jumping jacks on the ground)
  4. squat in and out, touch ground on second round

SET 3:

  1. 2 split lunges 2 warrior crunches
  2. 4 high knees, 1 jump over mat
  3. tuck jump to fast run back and forth
  4. 4 butt kicks 4 high knees

SET 4:

  1. 4 football shuffle, drop down to plank
  2. 4 jump rope, 4 jump rope on 1 leg, 4 on other leg
  3. 4 low shuffle to the side and touch ground, shuffle other side
  4. 1 burpee to side burpee, repeat to other side

SET 5:

  1. high plank to elbow plank (up and down)
  2. plank to side plank 2 knee crunches
  3. side plank with hip dip, other side
  4. side plank 2 elbow crunches

Cool down and stretch for 2 – 3 minutes

Repeat 2-3 times a week not on consecutive days.

High intensity intervals are great for fat loss, weight loss, stamina, strength and so much more.

Give your absolute all during the work time and allow yourself to rest for the 10 seconds.

Ciao for now

20 minute interval training workout!

Hi guys,

Enjoy this 20 minute interval training workout, repeat 2-3 times a week.

Studies have shown that High Intensity Interval Training consisting of  2.5 hours of sprint interval training produced similar biochemical muscle changes to 10.5 hours of endurance training and similar endurance performance benefits. According to studies, HIIT increases the resting metabolic rate for the following 24 hours due to excess post exercise consumption  and may improve maximal oxygen consumption  more effectively than doing only traditional, aerobic workouts. 

HIIT has also been shown to improve athletic performance.

HIIT has also been shown to burn fat more effectively than regular longer aerobic workouts.

You will need a mat and a timer(get a free app on your phone search for tabata workout timer) for this workout and you will work 40 seconds as hard as you can and rest for 20 seconds.

You will do all 5 sets in a row, if you are new at HIIT training add 1 minute of rest in between sets.

Lay your mat in front of you and do a warm up consisting of:

15 jumping jacks

15 squats

15 high knees

15 push ups (on your knees if you have to)



Exercise 1

40 seconds 

  1. Start at the bottom right corner of the mat and shuffle to the left
  2. Run up to the front of the mat and shuffle to the right
  3. Run back to the bottom right corner where you started
  4. Repeat going faster every time 

Rest 20 seconds

Exercise 2

40 seconds

  1. Squat down (weight on your heels) and touch ground with both hands (keep your back straight and look up not down)
  2. Explosively squat in getting your feet close together and your hands up
  3. Explosively squat down again touching the ground
  4. Repeat going lower and faster every time

Rest 20 seconds


40 seconds

  1. Start with two jumping jacks
  2. Get both feet together
  3. Jump as high as you can touching your knees
  4. Repeat starting with the jumping jacks

Rest 20 seconds


40 seconds

  1. Start in a high plank position
  2. keeping you back straight and you hips as still as possible bring the right knee forward to the right elbow
  3. Bring that knee back to starting point and repeat with other knee
  4. Do as many and as you can

Rest 20 seconds


Give yourself a whole minute of rest if needed if not, KEEP GOING




40 seconds

  1. Around your mat start at the bottom of it (lengthwise) and run up to the top of the mat
  2. Squat and touch ground
  3. Run back to the end of the mat
  4. Repeat running faster every time

Rest 20 seconds


40 seconds

  1. Start into high plank position
  2. Shift your weight slightly to one side and lift one hand to touch opposite shoulder (be sure to keep a straight back and avoid moving your hips, rely on your core to hold you up)
  3. Shift your weight to the other side and repeat with other hand
  4. Perform  1 push up and start over

Rest 20 seconds


40 seconds

  1. Shuffle 4 times to your left
  2. Squat down 
  3. Explosively jump up with your arms up
  4. Squat back down and shuffle 4 times to your right
  5. Squat down 
  6. Explosively jump up with your arms up
  7. Repeat as many times as you can

Rest 20 seconds


40 seconds

  1. Start performing high knees
  2. On the 4th one, pause and keep your knee up for 1 second
  3. Start again and pause on the 4th one again
  4. Repeat as fast and as many as possible

Rest 20 seconds




  1. Start on one side of your mat and jump over it (width way of course) make sure to land safely
  2. Turn around quickly
  3. Jump over again and end up where you started
  4. Repeat as fast and as many as possible

Rest 20 seconds


40 seconds

  1. Stand on your left foot with your left knee slightly bent and your right foot slightly off the floor.
  2. Lower your body toward the floor
  3. Bound to your right by jumping off your left leg.
  4. Land on your right foot and bring your left foot behind your right as you reach toward the outside of your right foot with your left hand
  5. Reverse the movement, landing on your left foot.
  6. Do as many and as fast as you can

Rest 20 seconds



40 seconds

  1. Start in a high plank position
  2. Jump out with both legs going outside of the mat (like a jumping jack)
  3. Bring legs back in 
  4. Bring your right knee forward up to your right elbow
  5. Repeat with other knee
  6. Start over 
  7. Do as many and as fast as possible

Rest 20 seconds




  1. Start in a lunge position 
  2. Quickly jump to switch front and back legs lowering yourself towards the ground but keeping it soft on the knees
  3. Repeat with other sides
  4. Start over but much quicker and without lowering yourself to a jump (lateral jumping jacks)
  5. Repeat 4 times 
  6. Start over
  7. Do as many and as fast as possible

Rest 20 seconds




40 seconds

  1. Start in a squat position
  2. Quickly jump to your left performing 1/4 turn 
  3. Softly land into a squat position
  4. Jump back 1/4 turn to the middle and into a squat 
  5. Jump 1/4 again this time going to your right
  6. Jump to the middle again
  7. Repeat 
  8. Do as many as possible focusing on a soft landing with all the weight on your heels

Rest 20 seconds



40 seconds

  1. Start in a squat position
  2. Quickly jump to your left performing 1/4 turn 
  3. Softly land into a squat position
  4. Jump back 1/4 turn to the middle and into a squat 
  5. Jump 1/4 again this time going to your right
  6. Jump to the middle again
  7. Repeat 
  8. Do as many as possible focusing on a soft landing with all the weight on your heels

Rest 20 seconds



40 seconds

  1. Start into a low lunge position
  2. Perform a front kick with your back leg
  3. Return to the lunge position
  4. Quickly switch legs
  5. Perform a front kick with your back leg 
  6. Keep alternating 
  7. Perform as many as possible getting your lunge lower and lower each time

Rest 20 seconds




  1. Perform 2 jumping jack
  2. Drop into a squat position with your hands on the ground
  3. Kick your feet back, while keeping your arms extended
  4. Immediately return your feet to the squat position
  5. Jump up from the squat position 
  6. Repeat starting with the 2 jumping jacks
  7. Do as many as you can

Rest 20 seconds




40 seconds

  1. Start on your mat lying on your back with your hands extended behind you head
  2. Bend both knees with feet firmly on the mat
  3. Crunch yourself all the way up keeping you hands up and your feet on the mat
  4. Return to the starting position
  5. Do as many as you can as fast as possible focusing on your core

Rest 20 seconds



40 seconds

  1. Start into a high plank position
  2. Jump both feet out of the mat to your right bringing your knees close to your elbows
  3. Return to high plank
  4. Repeat with opposite side
  5. Do as many as you can

Rest 20 seconds



  1. Lie down on the floor placing your feet on the mat, your legs should be bent at the knees.
  2. Elevate your upper body so that it creates an imaginary V-shape with your thighs. Your arms should be fully extended in front of you perpendicular to your torso and with the hands clasped. This is the starting position.
  3. Twist your torso to the right side until your arms are parallel with the floor while breathing out.
  4. Hold the contraction for a second and move back to the starting position while breathing out. Now move to the opposite side performing the same techniques you applied to the right side
  5. Do as many reps as you can

Rest 20 seconds



40 seconds

  1. Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed to the ground.
  2. Put your hands behind your head
  3. Lift your shoulders into the crunch position be careful not to pull on your neck
  4. Bring knees up to where they are perpendicular to the floor, with your lower legs parallel to the floor. This will be your starting position.
  5. Now simultaneously, slowly go through a cycle pedal motion kicking forward with the right leg and bringing in the knee of the left leg. Bring your right elbow close to your left knee by crunching to the side, as you breathe out.
  6. Go back to the initial position as you breathe in.
  7. Crunch to the opposite side as you cycle your legs and bring closer your left elbow to your right knee and exhale.
  8. Continue alternating in this manner until all of the recommended repetitions for each side have been completed.
  9. Do as many as you can



Ciao for now!