Eat this to kill stomach fat!

Hi guys,

Blasting calories at the gym doing the right combination is imperative and so is a good nutrition plan in order to lose belly fat.

But did you know that adding these foods might help reduce belly fat?

Dark chocolate:

Make sure to choose dark chocolate that has 70% or more cocoa which means less sugar and fat.

The healthy fats on the dark chocolate will prevent blood sugar spikes helping you burn fat more efficiently.

Peanut butter:

Peanut butter contains mononsaturated fats that promotes a healthy cardiovascular system and will keep you full longer. Some studies also suggests that peanut butter is a metabolism booster that keep you burning calories throughout the day.


Eggs have been shown to have important vitamins and minerals that regulate your hormones and are rich in protein. Add some healthy veggies and healthy fats like avocados and stay full longer.

Wild salmon

Salmon has Omega-3 fatty acids that keep your hormones balanced, especially the weight regulating ones.

Omega-3 also contribute to blood sugar balance which keep belly fat away and may help break down the belly fat that you already have, that’s a WINNER.


According to studies by the University of Michigan, the chemicals (phenolic compounds) that give berries their beautiful colors also do a great job at eliminating belly fat..and they are delicious!


Avocados are rich in healthy fats that will keep you full longer, help regulate hormones and also fight inflammation (therefore higher cortisol levels) that ultimately prevent you from losing weight especially in the midsection.


Cinnamon has the ability to burn fat and to help reduce blood sugar levels. Start adding it to your healthy recipes without adding the calories.

Ciao for now, happy belly fat burning!

2015 IS YOUR YEAR!!!

Hi guys,

Bring on 2015 with a bang and this fat burning, calorie torching 20 minutes workout!

Remember how you said you were going to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle in 2015??

Well here are the first 20 minutes of the new you!

All you need is a timer, a towel and water!

2 rounds of 10 minutes with 1 minute rest in between rounds.

3 exercises per round, performed for 20 seconds (at high intensity without stopping) in a row for 5 TIMES with 1 minute rest in between.

Ready, set , GO…

First warm up 3-5 minutes by doing jumping jacks, running in place, high knees, shuffle side to side, squats..


High knees 20 sec

Jump lunges 20 sec

Burpees 20 sec

photo 1



Mountain climbers 20 sec

photo 3

Squat jumps 20 sec

Plank jacks 20 sec

photo 4


Cool down and stretch!

Happy workout and Happy 2015!

Ciao for now

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Reduce belly fat!

Hi guys,

Who doesn’t want a nice looking flat belly?

v abs

If you are ready for that 6 pack, follow those tips to help reduce your belly to show off your abs.

  •  5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, no matter what! You will feel fuller, longer!266b3-healing-whole-foods-detox-cleanse
  • Reduce alcohol intake ( sorry…)
  • Lessen the salt
  • NO MORE FAST FOODS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Drink more water! 
  • Eat slower and smaller meals!
  • Eat 5 times a day (remember the smaller meals…)
  • Cardio 5 times a week at least 20 minutes

  • Sleep

  • Good posture

Ciao for now!

Get in shape for the holidays!

Hi guys,

The holidays are right around the corner so let’s get in shape so you can look your best!

Do this workout three times a week!


High Intensity you will need a yoga mat and a timer set at 4 rounds of 20 seconds on and 10 sec off no rest.


Repeat each exercises twice and move on to the next one.


  • 3 low squats, drop to plank
  • Jump sideways over mat with both feet
  • Plie squats (feet out to 45 degrees to open up the thighs)
  • 2 jumping jacks/ 2 bent over jumping jacks


  • Burpees
  • Mountain climbers
  • high knees
  • run forward touch ground, turn around and run back touch ground


  • Inchworm with a push up
  • Push-ups (knees down are ok)
  • In and out jump squats touch ground with both hands
  • Alternating side lunges


  • High plank to lunge alternating legs
  • Reverse to forward lunges, second set other leg
  • 1/2 turn jump squats
  • Plank jacks


Burpees, plank jacks, cross body mountain climbers

Start at 2 of each than add two every round until you reach 10 of each than work your way backwards…



  • 10 plank up and down (elbows to hands, hands to elbows)
  • 40 Mountain climbers
  • 40 knees tucks
  • 40 tricep dips (2 times 20)
  • 18 split jump lunges
  • 10 Flutter kick with crunches
  • 10 V sits
  • 40 pulsating abs (lay flat then raise you shoulders engaging your abs and raise you feet…pulsate for 40 counts)
  • 10 single leg lifts with other leg off floor (keep you back straight on the mat)
  • 10 each side Side plank in and out crunches
  • 15 hip raises from side plank

photo 3 photo 4 photo 3 photo 2 photo 1

Have fun!

Ciao for now

Day 8 October challenge!

Hi guys,

Today is day 8 of our October challenge…how are you doing?

What do you do to make yourself accountable for working out and getting healthy?

After my challenge, I did my 2 abs routines, if you need a description of the exercises, comment and I will send them to you!

Here are some pics

See you tomorrow!

Ciao for now!

Love handles be gone!

Hi guys,

Love handles sound warm and delicious and feel like it at time but it is the hardest place to lose the weight for most people!

Love handles are deposits of excess body fat that sit around your abdominal area.

Most of us can pinch our belly fat from the front, back and sides. And it’s not just about fitting into that dress or your favourite pair of jeans — excessive fat can also hurt your health!

But physically losing those love handles won’t actually get rid of any fat if you are not eating the right foods.

Strengthening these areas with some exercises and burning fats starts with the food on your plate everyday!

Avoid sugars, salts and unhealthy fats, and add fresh fruits, vegetables, good fats (like raw seeds or avocado) and lean clean proteins to your diet instead.

Here are some great exercises to get rid of the love we all hate!

Bicycle Crunches 30 reps!
Laying flat on your back with your hands by your ears, elevate your legs to a 90-degree angle.

Next, bring your left knee towards your chest and twist your right elbow to meet it. Repeat this on the other side. Also, as you bring one leg in, stretch the other one straight out.

Russian Twist 50 reps
Begin in a seated position with bended knees and flat feet. Lean back slightly with a strong straight back and get into a comfortable position, contracting your ab muscles. Stretch your arms out in front of you and twist the torso from side to side. For more intensity, tap the floor to the right of your hip and then the left side.

Side Plank Hip Dips 20 each side
Another variation of the plank exercise, start in a side plank position with your elbows touching the ground. Drop your hips to touch the floor as you inhale and exhale while bringing them back up.

Side Plank hold 30 sec each side
Using one arm, either your forearm or your hand, line it up beneath your armpit and stack your feet on top of one another. Ideally, you want to create a “T” shape with your body.

Elevated Plank hold 2 minutes
In a low or high plank, use an elevated surface like a bench, step or ball, and hold this position

High Plank From The Hands 2 minutes
Get your body into a push-up position but hold it up. Place your hands directly beneath your armpits and keep your legs straight, flat belly strong back!

Low Plank From Elbows 2 minutes
Place your elbows and forearms on the floor beneath your armpits and lift your body off the floor with your legs straight.

Ciao for now!

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Your core is more than just a 6 pack!

Hi guys,

To build a strong core, you need more than just do ab crunches and sit ups.

You need to exercise a variety of muscles from your hips all the way to your shoulders. A lot of people tend to think of the core as six-pack or nice toned abs.

Actually the abdominal muscles are a very small part of the core and they have a limited and specific action

The “core” actually consists of many different muscles that stabilize the spine and the pelvis, and that run the entire length of the torso.

When these muscles contract, they stabilize the spine, pelvis and shoulder girdle and provide a strong base of support. .

The core muscles also help us stand upright and move on two feet.

These muscles help control movements and transfer energy, shift our body weight and move in any direction.

A strong core distributes the stresses of weight-bearing and protects the back.

What are the core muscles?

In general the muscles of the core run the length of the trunk and torso.

The following list includes some of the most commonly identified core muscles and the lesser known groups.

  • Rectus Abdominus:  Located along the front of the abdomen, this is the most well-known ab muscle and is often referred to as the “six-pack” due to it’s appearance in fit and thin individuals.
  • Erector spinae: Three muscles that run along your neck to your lower back.
  • Multifidus : Located under the erector spinae along the vertebral column, extends and rotates the spine.
  • External obliques:  Located on the side and front of the abdomen.
  • Internal obliques: Located under the external obliques, running the opposite direction.
  • Transverse abdominis : Located under the obliques, it is the deepest of the abdominal muscles and wraps around your spine for protection and stability.
  • Hip flexors: Located in front of the pelvis and upper thigh. These muscles are :psoas major, illiacus, rectus femoris, pectineus and sartorius (you’re welcome you needed to know that)
  • Gluteus medius and minimus – located at the side of the hip
  • Gluteus maximus. hamstring group and piriformis:  Located in the back of the hip and upper thigh leg.
  • Hip adductors: located at medial thigh.

The benefits of good core strength

  •  Reduces Back Pain
    The abdominals get all the credit for protecting the back but they are only a small part of  the core. In fact, it’s weak core muscles that are linked to the most common low back pain. Weak core muscles result in loss of appropriate lumbar curve and bad posture. Stronger, balanced core muscles help maintain appropriate posture and reduce strain on the spine.
  • Improves Athletic Performance
    Because the muscles of the trunk and the torso stabilize the spine from the pelvis to the neck and shoulder, they allow the transfer of power and energy to the arms and legs. All the powerful movements originate from the center of the body out, and never from the limbs alone. Before any powerful, rapid muscle contractions can occur in the extremities, the spine must be solid and stable and the more stable the core, the most powerful the extremities can contract.
  •  Improves Postural Imbalances
    Training the muscles of the core helps correct postural imbalances that can lead to injuries. The biggest benefit of core training is to develop functional fitness; the type of fitness that is essential to daily living and regular activities.

Exercises that will build Core Strength

Core strengthening exercises are the most effective when the torso works as a solid unit and both front and back muscles contract at the same time.

Abdominal bracing is a basic technique used during core exercise training. To correctly brace, you should attempt to pull your navel back in toward your spine. This action primarily recruits the transverse abdominus. You should be able to breathe evenly while bracing and not hold your breath.

What Are the Best Core Exercises?

Core exercises are most effective when they engage many muscles throughout the torso that cross several joints and work together to coordinate stability. Core muscles need to work as a unit, contract at the same time, across joints in order to stabilize the spine. Some of the best core exercises are simple bodyweight exercises, including the following:

  • Plank

  • Side plank

  • The basic push-up

  • V-sits

  • Squats

  • Hip lift

  • Oblique twist

  • Plank on a balance ball

  • Lunge with twist

  • Supermans

Ciao for now!

At home full body workout!

Hi guys,

Happy Friday!

Enjoy this 30 minute bootcamp workout that will kick your butt right at home!

All you need is a yoga mat!

Perform a 2-3 minute warmup including squats, lunges, jumping jacks, running in place.

Do each sets of exercises twice :

  1. 40 squats, run to the other side of the room and back into 20 high knees
  2. 30 reverse lunges, run to the other side of the room and back into 20 high knees
  3. 10 push-ups, run and back to 30 high knees  photo 5
  4. 5 burpees, run and back to 40 high kneesphoto 1
  5. low shuffle from one side of the room to the other, back on mat and 1 burpee
  6. low shuffle side to side of the room, back on mat to 1 inchworm with a push-upphoto 2
  7. 1 minute plank
  8. 1 minute plank jacksphoto 4
  9. 1 minute mountain climbersphoto 3
  10. 2 minutes wall sitphoto 4
  11. 1 minute heel touchesphoto 5
  12. 1 minute Russian twistsphoto 1
  13. 1 minute bicycle crunchphoto 2
  14. 1 minute knee tucksphoto 3

Have a great workout!

Don’t forget to stretch!

Ciao for now!

10 minute belly fat incinerator workout!

Hi guys,

You want a strong core because it is good for your posture, balance and stability right???

Liar you just want a 6 pack to show off on the beach don’t you??

Do these 7 moves two times for 5 days and get that strong core you want!

These moves are not easy and you will have to work your way up to them especially if you are new at this stuff but be patient and keep working hard, harder and harder every day!

Pic 1: plank with 1/2 jack 10 reps on each side

Start in a plank position on your elbow. Bring right arm forward in front of you as you take your left leg out to the side. Bring arm back by your side and leg back to middle without putting in down.

Beginner: start with an elbow plank, holding as long as you can then slowly work your way to the arm to the front by itself then the leg by itself until you can finally put it all together (it won’t happen in one day but it will happen, keep working hard)

Pic 2 and 3 : Full body flys 14 reps

Start lying on your back with your arms out like a cross and your legs straight out. Bring your legs up keeping them as straight as possible as your are bringing your and up in front of you towards the ceiling. Bring them back down at the same time as your legs without letting them touch ground, that is 1 rep.

Pic 4: Airplane abs 12 reps

Start in a sitting position with your back flat and bring your feet off the ground while engaging your abs. Bring your arms out to your side and while keeping a straight back rotate your arms side to side as the wings of an airplane.

Pic 5: Side plank with out and in crunches 8 reps each side

Start yourself on an elbow plank. Bring the top knee up and crunch with your elbow and bring the knee back down. Restart the move but bring the knee close to the front of the body and elbow crunch…that is one rep!

Pic 6: Flutter kick crunches 20 reps

Start by crunching yourself up while bringing your straight legs slightly off the ground. Perform 2 flutter kicks (legs up and down) and one crunch…that is one rep!

This one takes time to get used to start by crunches then flutter kicks before you can perform them together.

Pic 7: Knee tuck crunches 20 reps

Start in a V position with abs fully engaged, feet off the ground and elbows on the ground behind you. Bring you knees in towards your chest the push your legs out to the front, that’s one rep.

Pic 8 and 9: Criss cross jack knife crunches 8 reps

Start by extending your whole body on your mat with your arms straight out behind your head. Perform a pick crunch by bringing arms and straight legs up in the air. Bring your legs back down without putting them back on the ground and bend your knees. Perform 1 set of bicycle crunches (right elbow to left knee then left elbow to right knee) then restart.

You may perform those separately at first so you could get used to the movements before bringing it together.

Happy 6 pack!

Ciao for now