Yes you CAN eat healthier!

Hi guys,

Here is a quick tip to help you eat healthier.

Laying out your workout clothes at night for the next morning is a great visual reminder that you have a commitment to your exercise every day!

Do the same thing with your healthy foods, create visual reminders.

For example, leave a beautiful, colorful bowl of fruit on your counter instead of the fridge will help you achieve eating more fruits.

Research identified that healthy eating habits can be boosted simply by using the acronym CAN:

Convenient: Make your healthy foods easy to see, simple to reach and ready to eat

Attractive: Make your healthy foods look enticing by mixing colors, flavors and types

Normal: Make them the obvious choice in your kitchen

Start today and start eating healthier immediately!

Ciao for now!

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Eat this to kill stomach fat!

Hi guys,

Blasting calories at the gym doing the right combination is imperative and so is a good nutrition plan in order to lose belly fat.

But did you know that adding these foods might help reduce belly fat?

Dark chocolate:

Make sure to choose dark chocolate that has 70% or more cocoa which means less sugar and fat.

The healthy fats on the dark chocolate will prevent blood sugar spikes helping you burn fat more efficiently.

Peanut butter:

Peanut butter contains mononsaturated fats that promotes a healthy cardiovascular system and will keep you full longer. Some studies also suggests that peanut butter is a metabolism booster that keep you burning calories throughout the day.


Eggs have been shown to have important vitamins and minerals that regulate your hormones and are rich in protein. Add some healthy veggies and healthy fats like avocados and stay full longer.

Wild salmon

Salmon has Omega-3 fatty acids that keep your hormones balanced, especially the weight regulating ones.

Omega-3 also contribute to blood sugar balance which keep belly fat away and may help break down the belly fat that you already have, that’s a WINNER.


According to studies by the University of Michigan, the chemicals (phenolic compounds) that give berries their beautiful colors also do a great job at eliminating belly fat..and they are delicious!


Avocados are rich in healthy fats that will keep you full longer, help regulate hormones and also fight inflammation (therefore higher cortisol levels) that ultimately prevent you from losing weight especially in the midsection.


Cinnamon has the ability to burn fat and to help reduce blood sugar levels. Start adding it to your healthy recipes without adding the calories.

Ciao for now, happy belly fat burning!

Countdown to the new you day 1!

Hi guys,

2015 is less than a month away now!

Don’t wait until then to make better decisions, lifestyle changes and all that good stuff, START NOW!

Don’t go on a diet because it’s the new year, change your lifestyle forever so you never have to go on a diet anymore!

Here is today’s one hour workout that you can do at home!

You will need a mat, a set of dumbbells (challenging weight) and a tabata timer.

Start by a 5 minute warm up including jumping jacks,running in place, squats, lunges, arm circles…

Part 1: High intensity intervals, give it all you got!

HIIT it hard!

Set your timer for 4 sets of 4 minute workouts: 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest, NO REST in between sets.

SET 1:

Repeat 4 times

Mountain climbers

photo 3


photo 1

SET 2:

Repeat 4 times

High plank with punches

In and out squats with a jump

SET 3:

Repeat 4 times

High knees

Jumping jacks

SET 4:

Repeat 4 times

Jump lunges

Plank jacks

photo 4


Pick up the dumbbells and do each exercises 10-12 times.

Repeat this set twice for beginners, 3 times for advanced and 4 times for badass rock stars.

– Standing shoulder press

– Lateral raises

– Front raises

– Reverse flys

Rest 2 minutes

Keep your dumbbells and repeat this set 3 times

– Renegade rows 5 each arm

– Floor press with hip raise 10-12 reps

– Donkey kicks with dumbbell 15 reps each leg

– Crossover crunches 30 reps

Happy first day of December!

See you tomorrow!

Ciao for now!

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Alleviating foot pain!

Hi guys,

Are you suffering from foot pain? Have you been diagnosed with plantar fasciitis?

Are you wearing all bunch of foot apparel but still can’t get your feet on the ground without screaming in pain??

There is a way to feel better.

In our society we spend a lot of time sitting around…at work for 8-12 hours, at home for 2-4 hours watching TV and on the computer 2-3 hours.

Our bodies are weakening and changing in order to adapt.

When you sit around a lot, your muscles become weak and do not work properly. They have to adapt, change and our bodies are collapsing over our lower extremities just by the pull of gravity.

Your head moves forward just because it is heavy to hold straight for so many hours therefore your shoulders compensate and round themselves therefore arching your back out therefore your weight is not distributed evenly all the way down to your knees that will move inward and your feet moving in as well (very simplified explanation but you get the point).

That being said, a lot of us end up with feet problems because of the way our whole body distribute its weight unevenly.

As fitness professionals, we see the whole body and do not concentrate on solely “treating” the foot pain as a regular doctor would do (with shots or inserts most likely ouch and $$$) but we work to restore your body weight distribution through different options, see below:





There are a lot of exercises and stretches out there that you can do to help yourself.

Always remember to massage, stretch and strengthen.

Try to walk around at least every hour for 5 minutes while at working, reduce your stress level, focus on walking from the outside in ( I know it sounds weird but try..), do not wear high heels but choose flats and wide for better weight distribution on the entire foot and focus on straight posture while you stand and walk.

I hope these tips help you alleviate the pain and please take time to reeducate your body, it will not get better overnight but overtime for sure!

Ciao for now

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Monday morning poolside workout!

Hi guys,

I’m sharing my poolside morning workout, hopefully it will warm you up!

v pool

Always start with a 5 minutes warm up including jogging, jumping jacks, squats and finish by a 2-3 minutes cool down and stretch!

photo 1

For this second part you need a chair or a bench to elevate your feet and your arms when needed.

Feel free to start the exercises at ground level and work yourself up to it.

All the planks can also be modified by eliminating the ball and working yourself up to it!

Also make sure to do the exercises on both sides of your body!

photo 2

Have fun a happy Monday!

Ciao for now

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Bench workout!

Hi guys,

Here are some exercises you can do at home or the office on a bench or sturdy chair!

Do as many reps as you can and when you think you can’t do anymore, keep going!

Have fun!

Start with a 3 to 5 minimum warm up including running in place, jumping jacks, squats…

1/ Up and down, switch lead leg after 10 reps

photo 6

2/ Up and down drive the knee up while pressing both arms up (use dumbbells if you want more), change lead leg after 10 reps

photo 7

3/ Up and down as fast as you can, be careful on that one…again as many and as fast as possible!

photo 23

4/ Reverse lunges, put all the weight on the front leg keeping the knee before the toes…change leg at 10!

photo 20

5/ Push-ups

photo 21

6/ Tricep dips…Yes!

photo 22

7/ Crunches with both feet elevated…Bring your arms directly in front of you…Do at least 20!

photo 24

8/ Crunches with feet under and punch to opposite side…again at least 20!

photo 3

9/ One foot under, one foot up opposite side crunches…Ouch!

photo 2

10/ Both feet elevated this time…Get ready for this one! At least 10…Yes you can!

photo 1

11/ Elbow plank, hold as long as you can!

photo 9

12/ Start on high plank position, bring one hand at the time on the bench, perform a push-up, bring yourself back to high plank one hand at the time and get down to elbow plank…At least 5 times. Keep your core extremely tight and keep hips rotation to a minimum.

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13/ Side hip dips on elbow plank, obliques on fire!

photo 10

14/ Hip dip on high plank…ouch! At least 5 please!

photo 11

Stretch and cool down!

Congrats, you did your first bench workout!

Ciao for now!

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Got 25 minutes?

Hi guys,

I get it, you are busy!

So just do this workout twice a week and start losing weight today (with a great nutrition plan of course!) so you are ready for the holidays.

Give everything you have while you are workout those 20 seconds…You should be cursing like a sailor praying that the 20 seconds ends quickly!

Have fun and say goodbye to your fat!

cardio intervals

Have fun and stay in touch via facebook and twitter

Ciao for now!

Halloween is over, put down the candy!

Good morning!

Halloween is over and hopefully you are not having leftovers candies for breakfast!

If you are, put down the spoon and read the diagram below, you will be amazed about what sugar actually does to your body!


Happy November!

Ciao for now!

Reduce belly fat!

Hi guys,

Who doesn’t want a nice looking flat belly?

v abs

If you are ready for that 6 pack, follow those tips to help reduce your belly to show off your abs.

  •  5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, no matter what! You will feel fuller, longer!266b3-healing-whole-foods-detox-cleanse
  • Reduce alcohol intake ( sorry…)
  • Lessen the salt
  • NO MORE FAST FOODS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Drink more water! 
  • Eat slower and smaller meals!
  • Eat 5 times a day (remember the smaller meals…)
  • Cardio 5 times a week at least 20 minutes

  • Sleep

  • Good posture

Ciao for now!