Eat your broccoli

Hi guys,
You parents knew what was up! Remember them telling you to eat your broccoli? 

Well they were right, once again!

These guys are a powerhouse of nutrients, they benefit digestion, cardiovascular system and immune system and also have anti inflammatory properties and may prevent certain cancers!

They are also low in sodium, fat free and low calories!

Nutritional profile:

– high in fiber, vitamin C, B6, A and potassium 

– packed with photochemicals (immune system protector) and antioxidants (cell protectors and cancer preventers)

– also contains magnesium, phosphorus,zinc and iron

Health benefits:

– cancer prevention 

– cholesterol reduction

– detoxification 

– heart health

– eye health

– digestion

– anti-inflammatory 

– originated in Italy in around the sixth century BC

– name comes from broccolo, Italian for the flower on top of the cabbage, the word is derived from Latin brachium meaning branch or arm

– came to France in 1560 and was called Italian asparagus

– Thomas Jefferson loved it and imported it!

– George W bush was not a fan and Barack Obama confessed to loving it

– California produces 90 % of the broccoli grown in the United States 

– the average American only eats 4 lbs a year
Ciao for now, go eat broccolo

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fast and easy homemade turkey burgers 

hi guys,

Homemade is always better then anything processed and available at the store!

You are not the cooking type? You don’t have time?
No problem here is how it’s done!

1/ buy ground turkey (organic is always a better choice 40 oz makes about 10 burgers) fresh cilantro( smallest amount) 2 eggs and blue cheese crumbles (or feta if you do not like blue)

2/ dice up the cilantro and open the turkey

3/  separate the white from the eggs

4/ mix all the ingredients together with the egg whites

5/ make burgers with your hands the size you like 


6/ cook in a pan with coconut oil at medium heat for about 10 minutes or until thoroughly cooked 

7/ freeze the rest if needed

8/ enjoy! 

Ciao for now!

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H.I.I.T 30 minutes max calories burn

hi guys,
Here is a great high intensity interval training workout to burn a max amount of calories 

10 exercises repeated 3 times no rest in between 

Round 1: 40 seconds work 20 seconds rest

Round 2: 30 seconds work 15 seconds rest

Round 3: 20 seconds work 10 seconds rest 
Exercise 1: burpee to 4 mountain climbers 

Exercise 2: push-up to side plank

Exercise 3: skater hops 

Exercise 4: plank drag feet

Exercise 5: 4 high knees to 1 tuck jump

Exercise 6: 4 cross body mountain climbers 2 plank jacks 

Exercise 7: burpee

Exercise 8: jump overs 2 jump lunges

Exercise 9: plank reach

Exercise 10: alternating toe touches

Have fun!

Ciao for now

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Join the event!

Invite your family and friends and let’s start saving ourselves now!

Get up and move!


2015 IS YOUR YEAR!!!

Hi guys,

Bring on 2015 with a bang and this fat burning, calorie torching 20 minutes workout!

Remember how you said you were going to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle in 2015??

Well here are the first 20 minutes of the new you!

All you need is a timer, a towel and water!

2 rounds of 10 minutes with 1 minute rest in between rounds.

3 exercises per round, performed for 20 seconds (at high intensity without stopping) in a row for 5 TIMES with 1 minute rest in between.

Ready, set , GO…

First warm up 3-5 minutes by doing jumping jacks, running in place, high knees, shuffle side to side, squats..


High knees 20 sec

Jump lunges 20 sec

Burpees 20 sec

photo 1



Mountain climbers 20 sec

photo 3

Squat jumps 20 sec

Plank jacks 20 sec

photo 4


Cool down and stretch!

Happy workout and Happy 2015!

Ciao for now

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Countdown to the new you day 1!

Hi guys,

2015 is less than a month away now!

Don’t wait until then to make better decisions, lifestyle changes and all that good stuff, START NOW!

Don’t go on a diet because it’s the new year, change your lifestyle forever so you never have to go on a diet anymore!

Here is today’s one hour workout that you can do at home!

You will need a mat, a set of dumbbells (challenging weight) and a tabata timer.

Start by a 5 minute warm up including jumping jacks,running in place, squats, lunges, arm circles…

Part 1: High intensity intervals, give it all you got!

HIIT it hard!

Set your timer for 4 sets of 4 minute workouts: 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest, NO REST in between sets.

SET 1:

Repeat 4 times

Mountain climbers

photo 3


photo 1

SET 2:

Repeat 4 times

High plank with punches

In and out squats with a jump

SET 3:

Repeat 4 times

High knees

Jumping jacks

SET 4:

Repeat 4 times

Jump lunges

Plank jacks

photo 4


Pick up the dumbbells and do each exercises 10-12 times.

Repeat this set twice for beginners, 3 times for advanced and 4 times for badass rock stars.

– Standing shoulder press

– Lateral raises

– Front raises

– Reverse flys

Rest 2 minutes

Keep your dumbbells and repeat this set 3 times

– Renegade rows 5 each arm

– Floor press with hip raise 10-12 reps

– Donkey kicks with dumbbell 15 reps each leg

– Crossover crunches 30 reps

Happy first day of December!

See you tomorrow!

Ciao for now!

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Monday morning poolside workout!

Hi guys,

I’m sharing my poolside morning workout, hopefully it will warm you up!

v pool

Always start with a 5 minutes warm up including jogging, jumping jacks, squats and finish by a 2-3 minutes cool down and stretch!

photo 1

For this second part you need a chair or a bench to elevate your feet and your arms when needed.

Feel free to start the exercises at ground level and work yourself up to it.

All the planks can also be modified by eliminating the ball and working yourself up to it!

Also make sure to do the exercises on both sides of your body!

photo 2

Have fun a happy Monday!

Ciao for now

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