Eat your broccoli

Hi guys,
You parents knew what was up! Remember them telling you to eat your broccoli? 

Well they were right, once again!

These guys are a powerhouse of nutrients, they benefit digestion, cardiovascular system and immune system and also have anti inflammatory properties and may prevent certain cancers!

They are also low in sodium, fat free and low calories!

Nutritional profile:

– high in fiber, vitamin C, B6, A and potassium 

– packed with photochemicals (immune system protector) and antioxidants (cell protectors and cancer preventers)

– also contains magnesium, phosphorus,zinc and iron

Health benefits:

– cancer prevention 

– cholesterol reduction

– detoxification 

– heart health

– eye health

– digestion

– anti-inflammatory 

– originated in Italy in around the sixth century BC

– name comes from broccolo, Italian for the flower on top of the cabbage, the word is derived from Latin brachium meaning branch or arm

– came to France in 1560 and was called Italian asparagus

– Thomas Jefferson loved it and imported it!

– George W bush was not a fan and Barack Obama confessed to loving it

– California produces 90 % of the broccoli grown in the United States 

– the average American only eats 4 lbs a year
Ciao for now, go eat broccolo

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H.I.I.T 30 minutes max calories burn

hi guys,
Here is a great high intensity interval training workout to burn a max amount of calories 

10 exercises repeated 3 times no rest in between 

Round 1: 40 seconds work 20 seconds rest

Round 2: 30 seconds work 15 seconds rest

Round 3: 20 seconds work 10 seconds rest 
Exercise 1: burpee to 4 mountain climbers 

Exercise 2: push-up to side plank

Exercise 3: skater hops 

Exercise 4: plank drag feet

Exercise 5: 4 high knees to 1 tuck jump

Exercise 6: 4 cross body mountain climbers 2 plank jacks 

Exercise 7: burpee

Exercise 8: jump overs 2 jump lunges

Exercise 9: plank reach

Exercise 10: alternating toe touches

Have fun!

Ciao for now

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Weight loss programs don’t work! Read why…

Hi guys,

Ok it’s not big news that weight loss programs don’t work long term but now we have definite proof after a in depth study published in the Annals of internal medicine

The study featured popular programs like Jenny Craig, weight watchers, Nutrasystem, Medifast and Optifast.

At the end of the 12 month study, the best program was Jenny Craig as participants had lost 4.9% more weight than participants in a non control group.

None of the other programs had more than moderately effective results.

Here is why these programs don’t work:

  • One size does not fit all and what works for one individual may not work for another.
  • Dietary and exercise plans have to be based on personal preferences as if you do not like what you are doing, you will not continue! Choose a plan that works for you and that includes as much of things you like as possible, just healthier versions.
  • Contrary to popular belief that you must first reduce calories and lose weight to achieve a balanced metabolism, it is imperative to set goals of achieving balanced metabolism first in order to control hunger and cravings. Once balanced metabolism is achieved, you can start reducing calories and start losing weight.
  • Research shows that you can only focus on one to three changes at a time. Determine habits that when changed will make other habits easier to change. More sleep, less hunger, fewer craving, more energy and motivation for exercise.

Ciao for now!

Eat this to kill stomach fat!

Hi guys,

Blasting calories at the gym doing the right combination is imperative and so is a good nutrition plan in order to lose belly fat.

But did you know that adding these foods might help reduce belly fat?

Dark chocolate:

Make sure to choose dark chocolate that has 70% or more cocoa which means less sugar and fat.

The healthy fats on the dark chocolate will prevent blood sugar spikes helping you burn fat more efficiently.

Peanut butter:

Peanut butter contains mononsaturated fats that promotes a healthy cardiovascular system and will keep you full longer. Some studies also suggests that peanut butter is a metabolism booster that keep you burning calories throughout the day.


Eggs have been shown to have important vitamins and minerals that regulate your hormones and are rich in protein. Add some healthy veggies and healthy fats like avocados and stay full longer.

Wild salmon

Salmon has Omega-3 fatty acids that keep your hormones balanced, especially the weight regulating ones.

Omega-3 also contribute to blood sugar balance which keep belly fat away and may help break down the belly fat that you already have, that’s a WINNER.


According to studies by the University of Michigan, the chemicals (phenolic compounds) that give berries their beautiful colors also do a great job at eliminating belly fat..and they are delicious!


Avocados are rich in healthy fats that will keep you full longer, help regulate hormones and also fight inflammation (therefore higher cortisol levels) that ultimately prevent you from losing weight especially in the midsection.


Cinnamon has the ability to burn fat and to help reduce blood sugar levels. Start adding it to your healthy recipes without adding the calories.

Ciao for now, happy belly fat burning!

Reduce belly fat!

Hi guys,

Who doesn’t want a nice looking flat belly?

v abs

If you are ready for that 6 pack, follow those tips to help reduce your belly to show off your abs.

  •  5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, no matter what! You will feel fuller, longer!266b3-healing-whole-foods-detox-cleanse
  • Reduce alcohol intake ( sorry…)
  • Lessen the salt
  • NO MORE FAST FOODS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Drink more water! 
  • Eat slower and smaller meals!
  • Eat 5 times a day (remember the smaller meals…)
  • Cardio 5 times a week at least 20 minutes

  • Sleep

  • Good posture

Ciao for now!